Jody Harrelson


478 218-7500

Courses Taught:

All subject areas

Mr. Jody Harrelson



  I am so excited to have you this year in my classroom! In Kindergarten we learn not only academics but how to work together as one community. I've been teaching since 2008 and enjoy getting to help my students learn and grow. I look forward to this year, and to guiding my class through learning the standards for this year. I believe in keeping a loving but enriched environment in which my students can grow and learn throughout the school year. It’s going to be a great year full of new friends, new adventures, and new discoveries. 

  I love to watch and coach sports. Also in my spare time I'm spending as much time with my family and friends.  

I come from a family, that includes 3 brothers and 3 sisters(and 4 are teachers!) I am married and have three children one boy and two girls. I also gain 10+ new family members every year I teach!

Here are some of my favorite things!


Food: Mexican

Restaurant: Longhorn 

Candy: Reese Cup

Drink: Water

Soda: Coke

Place to shop: Walmart and Kroger

Things to do: Go to movies, Grill, Coaching

Please make sure to download class dojo, as I do daily communication through this medium.
